Utilitarian design isn’t something new, it’s a form following function that has been present since the early 20th century. The idea behind it is the shape or object that is mainly based on its function and purpose, not just aesthetics.

The Utilitarian concept should be simple and lend itself to a cost-effective renovation. Getting the perfect look for your home doesn’t mean just aesthetics but practicality as well. After all, no matter how visually pleasing the design is it won’t really matter if it can’t be used or is not functional for the homeowner’s lifestyle.

#Tip 1: Let it Be

Spend some time in the space without expecting to change it. That’s the first step in any design process, you have to let the space speaks for itself.

#Tip 2: Add only what you need

Examine what tasks need to be performed and provide the necessary tools to do the task. Everything you need should add value to the space.

#Tip 3: Make it in style

If there is only a need for one piece of furniture, don’t force it with two. Just focus on the most beautiful and functional one.

#Tip 4: Add Life

Adding some greens to your home space adds life to it. You won’t need to be a green thumb to own one or two plants at home.

HDB Tampines Shuwen

#Tip 5: Think functionality first

Stick to function first and you’ll have a solid floor plan to work from and design to fit into your lifestyle. A good interior not only makes you feel aesthetically happy and content but it should help a much more convenient lifestyle at home.

A Utilitarian approach may focus more on functionality, you can greatly benefit from applying this approach when considering a new design. Utilitarianism design is low in maintenance and it will be essential for a clutter-free home.


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