Incorporating existing furniture and pulled together with a whole new Interior look and making sure all of the design elements match is definitely a challenge.
We’ve designed and built many display shelves throughout the house for a homeowner to display their personal collection. Every little thing is in its place and easy to access while creating a harmonious aesthetic.
All of the smart lights in this home are dimmable and able to controlled by Google. As well as all the curtains and bed are smart motorised.
When it comes to small bedroom, creating more functional space that complements with the layout is important.
Making more of tiny bedroom space, we’ve added practical wardrobe storage space alongside with the bedroom’s door. While designing the wardrobe, we’ve spruce up a darker contrast on the wardrobe door.
The bathrooms are designed as handicapped-friendly with an easy access shower and WC area with wall bars.
Let us know your Interior design requirement so we can plan for your dream home. 👉🏻 Talk to Us Now! WhatsApp @ 6597277404
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