Inside-out, we’ve designed sufficient storage for this home at Cabana Cluster House. From the basement entrance with a wide floating style full-height cabinet for shoe storage to the u-shape layout kitchen with many clever storage components.

In the Kitchen space, the clever storage system and solutions make a tiny space feel like an organized enlarged space. Cleverly designed storage can make small spaces work wonders.

We’ve specially designed a flip-down door on top of the Built-in oven for extra ventilation while homeowners bake. Some internal hardware is used for amplifying the storage as well as making it convenient for the homeowner to access their items, we’re using both Excel Hardware and Blum Hardware in this kitchen. Bringing the balance between sustainability and aesthetics, we’re using Kompacplus for the countertop as well as the seamless sink cover.

In the Dining area and Living space, we’ve designed a Nordic-style Recessed Wall Shelve in a Semi-circular design. This is especially good for any homeowner who loves displaying decorations.

The living area of the home is where the Beautifully Nordic style makes everything seem warm and inviting. The Spacious Living space utilizes, a perfect mix of textures and variations so it doesn’t look too monotonous.

In the Master Bedroom, we’ve designed a minimal L-shape wardrobe that features a corner wardrobe door for maximizing the usage of corner storage.

A way to enhance the home experience is to have both sufficient storage and spacious space for enjoying the tranquility of your home.

In the son’s bedroom, we’ve utilized the wall space creating a full height wardrobe and cabinet from floor to ceiling so that the homeowner can store as much clutter as they want to be hidden inside the large swing-out cabinet door.

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