The home features a high-contrast colour palette that is both bold and moody. The interior layout was originally small and compact, we’ve re-arranged and fit it into the Homeowner’s consideration. Crafting a home that is cozy, warm, light, and airy.

(Estimate Renovation cost: $35k)

The Dining area was originally facing the common toilet, we’ve added a dark colour wall panel along with a fluted panel door so that it hides from the common space as a wall feature. The Homeowner wanted a good flow and an open layout for a more comfortable and efficient space.

The shapes of the Dining area hanging lights add a contemporary flair to the clean and spacious room. The grey kitchen’s carpentry works complemented the wooden finished room door as well as the flooring.

Having a good balance that is achieved by the choice of furniture makes the Living space feels cozy and spacious at the same time.

Let us know your Interior design requirement so we can plan your dream home for you.

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